SAM - The Three-Part Procedure for Social Media Marketing

 Online social networking and social networking marketing are the greatest new tools in the business promotion armamentarium Ms Sethi. These tools aren't only extremely effective for "growing the brand," but for advancing the reputations and careers of executives alike. Customers love the ability to interact directly and personally with one of these executives. Paradoxically, the singular most typical complaint of executives is that online social networking and social networking marketing places significant demands on the time.

So how does an executive or entrepreneur reap the advantages of online social networking and social networking marketing for the minimal investment of time?

Smart executives turn to S.A.M. the three-part process for optimizing the efficiency of the online social networking and social networking marketing process.

Meet S.A.M.

The main element to successfully reaping the advantages of online social networking and social networking marketing is to offer genuine interaction for customers. Which means the executive ought to be the actual author of most communications; however, this really is only one-step along the way of conducting a fruitful online social networking / social networking marketing campaign. It is basic business economics, delegating duties to free the time of key individuals in the corporation produces a larger return on the time investment. S.A.M. includes Strategic Planning, Authorship and Mechanics.

Strategic Planning

An on the web social networking / social networking marketing campaign should be a the main overall public relations, marketing and advertising plan for the business. In the most effective of circumstances, online social networking / social networking marketing can replace part as well as every one of the conventional marketing and advertising. Entrepreneurs and executives often have review and oversight of public relations, marketing and advertising plans but seldom if ever micromanage the development and deployment of the plans.

Determining where best to conduct online social networking and social networking marketing efforts requires twenty to thirty percent of times spent every week on an optimum program. Delegating this facet of the procedure to a consultant or other highly trained team member saves the executive significant time.


This is actually the the main process that really must be completely the first work and words of the executive. Customers choosing to be involved in online social networking with the management and owners of a small business expect - even demand - that their interactions actually be with the executive. Everyone in the online social networking and social networking marketing industry took notice of the backlash against Brittany Spears when it had been discovered that ghostwriters wrote her social networking interactions. On the other hand, multiple celebrities discovered that causing their very own blogs, Twitters and social networking efforts creates fan loyalty and increased opportunities.

Executives who author their very own articles, blog entries and speeches find that the time required is small set alongside the favorable response received from audiences and customers. Even more hours may be saved by dictating drafts and letting another person do the typing. Generally, authorship requires less than ten percent of times spent on online social networking and social networking marketing each week.


The the main procedure that takes probably the most time and causes the dread for executives considering an on line social networking / social networking marketing campaign may be the part most easily delegated to an employee. The mechanics of posting blog entries, Twitters and social network comments requires just a bank of authentically authored content where to draw and the data of how to post that content to the appropriate sites.

The method of posting content with the process of locating new social networking contacts accounts for fully half of all the time spent on online social networking and social networking marketing efforts. When these duties are delegated to a member of staff operating in respect with a well-defined strategic plan and clear ethical guidelines, the executive is freed for more gainful efforts while satisfying the customer's desire for online social network interactions.

Putting S.A.M. to Work

In practice, the S.A.M. process begins with strategic planning to ascertain what markets represent probably the most viable for a specific business and specific executive. Once these markets and online networking sites are identified, an in depth plan for participating on the many networks is formulated. This plan is re-evaluated monthly and refocused to maximize recruitment of new contacts along with profile and website visitors.

Once a plan is in place, the executive must author articles and other content items for distribution through the planned social networking outlets. This is actually the sum total of the executive's time commitment except to answer specific replies from social network members. With this specific minimal time commitment, the executive establish rapport with the client and relationships with the whole market.

With the master plan in place and the content authored, the daily mechanics of posting material to the networks and parsing compositions into microblogs is accomplished underneath the oversight of a consulting strategic planner. Because the content is not merely in the voice of the executive, but the specific creation of this executive, the relationships created are fostered even without further investment of time or effort.

Online social networking and social networking marketing are an incredibly cost effect method of spreading the brand message and building both customer rapport and loyalty. The usage of the S.A.M. process increase the return on investment because of this new kind of info-communications.


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