Teaching Children To Speak Spanish Guide

 There is said that children, compared to adults, have the ability to learn a second language faster. These little ones can store another language within a part of their brain because their brains are wired in a different way Creole Konprann. Teaching children to speak Spanish can be done even as young as a newborn. But you should take your time because they retain this ability up until they reach their 8th year.

The first thing you should do in teaching children to speak Spanish is to have the proper tools. To not let your child get bored with repetition is to have variety of teaching methods and tools. Storybooks can be accessed through several websites in the language made especially for teaching kids, online Spanish lessons. You can find numerous learn to speak Spanish audio CDs as well.

To let the child feel relaxed rather than anxious and to keep his/hers interest will be easier by schedule lessons during the time of the day when you normally engage in similar activities, and in a place where there are no distractions.

You can either read bilingual storybooks, or listen to learn to speak Spanish audio CDs together and try to repeat the words and phrases together. By asking your child about the book you can catch his/hers interest: Let him/her to look at the picture on the cover and tell what the story is about. Let him identify some familiar objects, characters or colors in the illustrations.

Within the coming days do this couple of times, to not to bore your child look to adjust the pace according to him/her. After a while when talking about the book, try to use some Spanish words. Do this by changing some keywords in the story into Spanish. You could say "la casa grande" when talking about a big house; or "las flores when referring to the flowers in the illustration. With each session increase your child's Spanish vocabulary and don't forget to keep it at your child's own pace.

The best thing would be to add some variety by letting the kid have some fun time in front of the TV or by having some actions songs between the sessions. To test your childs Spanish understanding skills you can use interactive games and vocabulary quizzes. Another fun thing is to play some Spanish tutorial videos for kids; Online Spanish lessons on the DVD player.

The normal part of teaching children to speak Spanish is that it is of unavoidable for your child making grammar or pronunciation mistakes. Making mistakes is a part of learning after all, right? But try to correct your child in a more positive way instead of telling him/her that they are wrong or that's not right. Try to do like this; If your child answers "agua instead of "pan" you can ask again "agua or pan?", until your child chooses the correct answer, do you see what I mean? By doing like this your child will feel that he's doing a great job and will not feel discouraged.

Teaching children to speak Spanish doesn't have to be a burden. Make it fun for your kids and you will be surprised to see how fluently they can speak the language, even after just a couple of months or so. That's all you really need to do.


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